Backlog Busting – My February 2023 Watches

You know, it really feels great being able to just watch through shows on my backlog without worrying about keeping up with seasonal shows as well all the time. Although, because of being able to focus on watching one show at a time, I got on a little bit of an Initial D kick at the beginning of the month and I have a lot to say about it! I also finished some prior popular seasonal stuff that I missed out on as well, so I hope that either of those will be catching your interest in this post!

Also, I think it goes without saying at this point, but since I’ll be using these posts to talk about future seasons of shows as well, there will be mentions of spoilers throughout these posts. It’s hard to discuss nuances of the show when I have to avoid spoilers, so there will likely be some that crop up, and there definitely will be some in this post. 

I think we’ve mentioned on the blog before that our content typically isn’t spoiler free anyway, but I just wanted to give a brief reminder since we haven’t mentioned it in a while and our revival has been semi-recent!

Anyway, let’s talk about some anime!

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Backlog Busting – My January 2023 Watches

Hey all, I’m back with another (hopefully) interesting post, and it wasn’t several months between the last one this time! it’s a Backlog Busting post this time, but with a little bit of a different, shorter format than before! 

I didn’t really have anything really thought-invoking this past month of anime watching, but that doesn’t mean that these shows weren’t talking about! Not everything has to be the next Evangelion of anime after all, plus I like sharing my thoughts about shows in a more open, fun way sometimes, so I thought this would be a great way to do it!

Thus, this format was born: a new form of Backlog Busting post! I hope that this format works a bit better for when I’m watching shows that I have a bit less to say about, but still want to give them a mention and talk a little about them, for better or for worse! 

So, let’s start diving into these shows then!

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Book Bloggin’ — Thoughts on Classroom of the Elite Volume 1

Hey y’all, welcome to a new series that I’m starting every other month called Book Bloggin’! I will be discussing different manga and light novels that I’m reading at the time or keeping up with regularly! The goal is to keep with one series at a time reviewing one volume at a time until completion of a series (or until I’m caught up with English translations, at least). While each post will be talking about a particular volume, the format and structure of each post may be a bit different depending on what’s being discussed and what there is to discuss, but either way, it will be an interesting type of post series nonetheless!

This month we’re starting out with the dramatic and thought-provoking thriller Classroom of the Elite, so let’s get into it and talk a bit about it!

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Reblog from K at the Movies: 100 Worst Anime Openings! – K and Friends Rate “Bad” Anime OPs

Hey again guys! This is another collab that I got to participate in hosted by K at the Movies this time! It was just a fun project where we got together with members of the Jon Spencer Coalition and other friends of ours and rated some really terrible anime openings (or at least what was classified as terrible by the community). Give this post and his video a look please since he worked really hard on putting this together!

As for The Backloggers, we’ll have a short update post in the middle of the month about the status of some things (nothing bad, I promise) and a few small updates as well! See you then!

K at the Movies

This is a long and arduous process but I’m happy finally have it come together. I mean I watched it with some of the people featured in my esteemed judges panel and I think the fact that I can sing-along with most of these proved that I’ve probably gone insane. Yes, I asked a month ago what are the worst, the awful, the annoying, the just epically bad anime openings that you know and we’re going to find what is the worst. Did we find the right choice for the worst our opinions a little whack. I guess you’ll just have to watch the video and see what you think.

Thanks to the Cast

Of course this wouldn’t have been as great without everyone coming together, from everyone who participated in the open ballot poll, to who retweeted and shared the poll, judged anime openings and watched the video. I…

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Reblog from MechAnimeReviews: The Great LiSA Collab (A Poll Inside)

Hey y’all! I know it’s been a while since we posted anything, but that’s because we’ve been rather busy throughout these past month or so. Since that’s the case, I have been recently participating in collabs with some fellow AniTwitter members and AniBloggers, and this post is one of those.

In this post, me and the others talk about some of our favorite LiSA music tracks from anime and share why we think they’re top-tier picks. There’s a poll too and you can vote on which you think is the best one! Give it a look if you haven’t already!

In Defense of Hololive: Breaking Down the Standards of Idol Culture

Anyone hanging around the AniSphere recently has probably noticed an uptick in discussions about Virtual YouTubers, AKA v-tubers, and their unavoidable presence on social media platforms. While v-tubers initially became popular in recent years due to the introduction and popularity of the Kizuna A.I. Channel, the COVID-19 pandemic has vastly increased their presence as a topic of discussion, as well as a form of entertainment. Widely known groups such as Hololive and Nijisanji have continued popularizing the idea in Japan and overseas more and more every day, which has resulted in a cultural explosion across many regions of the world.

The idea of v-tubers has mostly been popularized by Hololive’s EN branch but has been popular since the introduction of v-tubers familiar with the English language. Because of these v-tuber talents primarily living in Japan and being backed by Japanese-based agencies, there have been various ways that the companies have decided to market them to different demographics across the globe. Each agency also handles its talents and branches differently by giving their management and talents varying levels of control, but also by having them under policies and conditions, as most businesses do. Of course, there also are a fair share of independent v-tubers that have borrowed ideas from these agencies and use them to create their own platforms, as well. There’s a whole spectrum of things to consider when it comes to being a virtual YouTuber talent in 2021.

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How Important are Openings and Ending Songs in Anime?

Anime openings and endings (commonly abbreviated as OPs and EDs respectively) have become a staple of most anime in modern days, so it makes sense that the discussion continues to resurface, as there continues to be more and more anime released every year, which in return means more and more openings and endings are released as well. This is a different sort of era than what anime used to be, even from a decade ago, with most anime having the same opening or ending song for more than one season of a show. Even before the 2000s years of anime, OP/EDs specifically were relatively scarce in shows and were vastly different than the ones that we encounter today in terms of song genres, types of openings they are (instrumental or vocal), and most obviously the types of animation processes used in these music clips as well.

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The Toxicity of “Media Shaming” and Its Effects on Criticism in Anime

“Here we go again.”

It’s what I continuously say season after season when another discourse comes to light within the anime community. I don’t think it would necessarily be a problem if the discussions were fruitful and people were more understanding, a problem that I talked about back when responding to Irina’s article several months ago. That’s not to say that I think discourse is invalid or that I think that people shouldn’t be discussing how they feel about a particular show, but there’s a limit as to how you should do it and treating your debate partners with respect and understanding while doing so.

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Seasonal Showcase — Re:Zero’s Confrontation With the Past [Summer 2020: Week 4 and 5]

In the past two weeks of Re:Zero, we’ve seen two perspectives of confronting the past regarding how Subaru and Emilia handle their own issues. While we still don’t have the full details of Emilia’s situation (although we can make assumptions at this point with some of the backstories from the OVAs), there is no doubt that they’ve both had their own troubles and issues when it comes to how their past selves have handled particular situations.

Looking back to Season 1, we’ve had a large overview of Subaru’s mentality regarding how self-righteous and selfish he was when it came to trying to fulfill his own desires and wants, to the point where it took several episodes in order for him to get knocked out of that mentality due to the hardships he faced at the time. While we still see bits of that shine through Subaru’s personality now, he’s obviously undergone a full transformation thanks to those hardships as well. By looking at Episode 29, we can get a lot more context about Subaru’s past life before he was isekai’d off into the universe of Re:Zero as we know it. 

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Seasonal Showcase — Rent-A-Girlfriend Makes Me Want to Scream (But I Love It Anyway) [Summer 2020: Week 3]

As I scroll down my Twitter feed during any given season, I’m always curious to see what the current “discourse” is about any given show. Usually, this results in me reading a lot of points about shows that don’t necessarily agree with, but I can empathize with the reasoning in some way or another. 

This season, that show is Rent-A-Girlfriend. While the majority of people that I’ve discussed the show with are in love with the show, mostly for its scream-inducing moments and absurd rom-com elements, others aren’t necessarily into how Kazuya acts during the anime. While I feel that without Kazuya being like this, the show’s conflicts and discussions about different relationship dynamics wouldn’t be able to be had, I still respect the opinions of others not being able to stomach that behavior for 24 minutes each week. 

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