About Owningmatt93

Quick Facts:

1. My Twitter is @Owningmatt93. I talk about whatever, but it’s mostly anime and games.
2. I have a BS degree in Digital Forensics and Information Assurance (not anime, sorry folks).
3. I have a MAL and a Kitsu that I keep regularly updated, if you wanna judge my poor life choices in real time.
4. If you want to chat about something or are just that dedicated to knowing what I’m doing, my Discord handle is Owningmatt93#5366, if that’s your sort of thing. Feel free to send a friend request if you desire!


Heyo, I’m Owningmatt93, most commonly known as “Matt” which is most definitely my real name. You probably already realized that, but hey, now you know for sure!

To explain a little bit of what my anime background is, I’d start by saying that it’s a bit more unique from many others born in the 90s. This is solely because I never watched any anime growing up, minus the occasional episode of Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh. I tried to get into anime several times during high school and it never seemed to really strike me as something I’d like, even after trying shows that many people raved about like Naruto, Haruhi Suzumiya, or Cowboy Bebop. However, during my college years, I ended up watching through a season of K-ON! after a series of bizarre events and massively enjoyed every second of it. The rest is pretty much history.

Most anime that I’ve watched and enjoyed are series that are newer, solely because of the fact that I’m constantly in a race to watch new anime every season and older series tend to get shoved to the back, along with them having a very different feel than modern anime does. On top of that, genres that I enjoy such as drama, romance, and heavy plot-centric stories are much easier to find in newer anime, if only because of the sheer volume and diversity of series available.

Because of my history with anime, my thoughts on particular themes and shows may be a bit abnormal compared to others in the community. Therefore, posts and analyses I write are usually based around community discussions within the medium and examining them from a different viewpoint that most others may not consider. I feel that looking at an idea from a new angle helps us as anime viewers understand why we each hold our particular thoughts about a series and also opens this discussion up to others that may be unfamiliar with a particular topic as well. This is why many posts that I write may seem controversial, heavily opinionated, or just plain absurd, but the goal is to generate a discussion within the community and encourages others to examine ideas from different angles as well.

Other topics I may discuss are technical aspects of presentation (translation, subtitles, video quality, ect.), subcultures and fandoms, and similar “meta” content.

Hope you enjoy whatever content I end up writing about, and feel free to contact me to suggest any ideas you might have! The worst I’ll do is make some bad pun, I promise!

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